A Developer Centered Bug Prediction Model

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Posted By freeproject on February 12, 2021


Several techniques are proposed to accurately predict software defects. These techniques generally exploit characteristics of the code artefacts (e.g., size, complexity, etc.) and/or of the method adopted during their development and maintenance (e.g., the amount of developers performing on a component) to identify out components likely containing bugs. While these bug prediction models achieve good levels of accuracy, they mostly ignore the main role played by human-related factors within the introduction of bugs. Previous studies have demonstrated that focused developers are less susceptible to introduce defects than non-focused developers. consistent with this observation, software components changed by focused developers should even be less error prone than components changed by less focused developers. We capture this observation by measuring the scattering of changes performed by developers performing on a component and use this information to create a bug prediction model. Such a model has been evaluated on 26 systems and compared with four competitive techniques. The achieved results show the prevalence of our model, and its high complementarily with reference to predictors commonly utilized in the literature. supported this result, we also show the results of a “hybrid” prediction model combining our predictors with the prevailing ones.


The Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics are widely utilized in the context of bug prediction. Basili et al. investigated the usefulness of the CK suite for predicting the probability of detecting faulty classes. They showed that five of the experimented metrics are literally useful in characterizing the bug-proneness of classes.

An equivalent set of metrics has been successfully exploited within the context of bug prediction by El Emam et al. and Subramanyam et al. Both works reported the power of the CK metrics in predicting buggy code components, no matter the dimensions of the system under analysis.

Ohlsson et al. focused the eye on the utilization of design metrics to spot bug-prone modules. They performed a study on an Ericsson industrial system showing that a minimum of four different design metrics are often used with equivalent results. The metrics performance aren't statistically worse than those achieved employing a model supported the project size. confirmed their results showing that size-based models seem to perform also as those supported CK metrics except than the Weighted Method per Class on some releases of the Eclipse system. Thus, although Bell et al. showed that more complex metric-based models have more predictive power with reference to size-based models, the latter seem to be generally useful for bug prediction.


  • there's no Product and process metrics Technique during this system.
  • there's no technique called Structural scattering to seek out bugs effectively.


  • The Proposed system is extended the empirical evaluation of our bug prediction model by considering a group of 26 systems.
  • Compare our model with two additional competitive approaches, i.e. prediction model based on the main target metrics proposed by Posnett et al. and a prediction model supported structural code metrics, that along side the previously considered models, i.e., the BCCM proposed by Hassan and therefore the one proposed by Ostrand et al., cause a complete of 4 different baselines considered in our study. Devise and discuss the results of a hybrid bug prediction model, supported the best combination of predictors exploited by the five prediction models experimented within the paper.
  • Provide a comprehensive replication package including all the data and dealing data sets of our studies.


  • This technique implements Research Questions and Baseline Selection which is effective in fining bigs.
  • The system features a technique to Detect bugs of Mining Software Repositories.
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