AWS Cloud Based Project in Computerized Accounts Reporting System
Computerized Accounts Reporting System is a AWS Cloud based project, where we have used many AWS Services. This AWS Cloud Based Project, we have developed for students who want to learn AWS and Cloud Computing. We will provide deplopyment instructions with full project source code and database of Computerized Accounts Reporting System in AWS Cloud and its suitable for your final year cloud computing projects. We also provide customized Cloud based and cloud computing projects for beginners. The main objective for developing this AWS Cloud Based on Computerized Accounts Reporting System is to provide interface to the manage Login, Ledgers, Customers. Computerized Accounts Reporting System is a web based cloud project. This project provides a lot of features to manage Customers, Login, Ledgers. This project contains a lot of advance modules which makes the back end system very powerful.
If you are looking for Mini Cloud Computing Project on Computerized Accounts Reporting System with project source code and database then this is good option for you. We provide full cloud based project support to students, so students can learn and improve their skills in cloud computing and AWS Projects.
In Computerized Accounts Reporting System Cloud Computing Project, we have used headless based architecture, where all Computerized Accounts Reporting System API we have developed in AWS lambda functions and all UI element we have developed in angular or react technology
Functionalities of AWS Cloud Computing Prooject on Computerized Accounts Reporting System:
These functionalities we have developed in Computerized Accounts Reporting System.
- Admin Login
- Change Password for users
- Logout Functionality
- Admin Dashboard for navigation
- Manage Login
- Adding New Login
- Edit the Exiting Login
- View details of the Login
- Listing of all Login
- Manage Ledgers
- Adding New Ledgers
- Edit the Exiting Ledgers
- View details of the Ledgers
- Listing of all Ledgers
- Manage Customers
- Adding New Customers
- Edit the Exiting Customers
- View details of the Customers
- Listing of all Customers
- Reports of the project Computerized Accounts Reporting System
- Report of all Login
- Report of all Ledgers
- Report of all Customers
Screens Page of the project Computerized Accounts Reporting System
- Login Page: Admin can login and get inside the system for managing the system
- Dashboard Page : To open respective pages from a single location
- Login Management : To manage details about Login
- Ledgers Management : On this page you can manage the details of Ledgers
- Customers Management : Customers contains functionalities of Customers related tasks
- Change Password : To change the current password
Technology Used in the project Computerized Accounts Reporting System
We have developed this project using the below technology
- AWS Lambda Function : All of the businesss login we have developed in Lambda Function
- Dynamo DB : We have used Dynamo DB Database for storing all the data.
- API Gateway : All of the API operations we are handling with API Gateway
- S3 Bucket : We have uploaded UI codes of Computerized Accounts Reporting System on S3 Bucket
- Cloud Formation : All deployment of Computerized Accounts Reporting System, we are doing with AWS Cloud Formation
- Serverless Framework : We have used Serverless Framework for developing this application
- Angular : All of the UI components of Computerized Accounts Reporting System, we have developed in Angular