Order Processing System Java Spring Boot Angular Project

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Posted By freeproject on July 7, 2021

Order Processing System is a Java Spring Boot, MySQL and Angular Project which runs on the tomcat server, you can also run this project in Eclipse and Spring Tool Suites (STS). We have developed this Java Spring Boot and Angular Project on Order Processing System for automating the process of Order Processing System. The main features of this project is to manage Product, Customer, Bill, Receipt, Payment and Order

This is a Major Project in Java using Spring Boot Micro Services API, which is suitable for students who are looking for final year java spring boot projects, the main modules of the project is Product module, Customer module, Bill module, Receipt module and Payment module, which performs all the operation in their respective domains. Spring Boot and Angular Project on Order Processing System is secured web application which run inside the JVM and we have used Eclipse IDE for developing this project

You can download spring boot project on Order Processing System from our website. Also we provide Order Processing System Project report, PPT and synopsis along with project. If you are looking for Spring, EJB, hibernate Order Processing System project then we can develop it also according to your requirements. This is a web application projects in java free download, which you can run easily on any of web browser.

Order Processing System is a simple java spring boot angular projects with source code for beginners from which students can learn, how to develop a good projects in Spring boot on STS tools. We also provide major spring boot projects for final year and mini spring boot projects for semester project.

For developing this Order Processing System in Spring boot, we have used many of the spring boot libraries. Like for database operations we have used JPA, hibernate and for writting custom queries we have used entity manager. All the dependencies of Order Processing System, we are managing by pom.xml file

Report of Order Processing System:

  • Product report : We can generate all the reports of Product in this
  • Customer report : Generate reports related to Customer
  • Bill report : All Bill reports will be available in this section
  • Receipt report : You can generate filtered reports of Receipt
  • You can generates the report of Receipt, Product, Payment
  • Customer, Order, Bill has facility for dynamic search. So you can filter the records run time
  • PDF reporting has been integrated for exporting of the report for Product, Customer, Bill modules
  • You can create the CSV reports for Product, Receipt, Customer

Modules of Order Processing System:

  • Product module : We can manage all the operations related to Product from this module
  • Customer module : This module is normally developed for managing the Customer operations
  • Bill module : All the operations realated to Bill will be managed by Bill
  • Receipt module : This module manages Receipt functionalities
  • Payment module : Payment modules performs all the create, read, update and delete operations of Payment
  • Order module : It manages all the functionalities of Order

Order Processing System Spring Boot API Installation Steps:

  • Download Order Processing System zip file and extract it
  • Open the project in Eclipse or STS Tools and run it
  • Open phpmyadmin and create Order Processing System database
  • Import database Order Processing System.sql
  • Open Your browser run the API : "http://localhost:8080/Order Processing System/"

Order Processing System Frontend Angular Installation Steps:

  • Download Order Processing System zip file and extract it
  • Run npm install command to download the required packages
  • Run ng serve command to run the project
  • Open Your browser run the API : "http://localhost:4200/" to run the project

Softwares needed to run Order Processing System

  • Sprint tool suites or Eclipse IDE
  • JDK 1.8 : To run this project you have JDK 1.8 version
  • Tomcat 8 : This project runs over the tomcat 8 server
  • MySQL : You need mysql database for running this project
  • MySQL JConnector : For making the connection from mysql and java, we need it
  • Node Version 10 : For configuring angular project
  • Angular CLI : For running the angular project

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