O Level Projects Download

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Posted By freeproject on December 28, 2016

Here we are providing the collections of 'O' level projects with full source code and executable file. All the source codes are compiled using GCC Compiler in Code::Blocks IDE in Windows platform. So the code may produce errors if compiled in other platforms and compilers. All the students of 'O' level are requested to use these projects as a reference purpose only. Submitting these projects as college/school 'O' level project without modification or only little modification is completely discouraged. They are created to help students to develop 'O' level ideas about mini project, topics, writing styles, file handling etc. Analyse these projects and obtain the ideas and try to write the code. After qualifying the practical examination of any level of course, student has required to submit the project report to obtain the desired certificate of qualifying level. At the foundation level ('o' level ),a group of students can do work on the same project report may submitted by a group of students. At 'O' level every candidate should do a project individually and a no grouping is allowed.

The project will be carried out under the guidance of the institute if he/she is through the institute conducting an accredited course. The direct candidate in any case will be doing a project in an organisation. The project is of some great significance in the testing of a candidate's virtuosity in information technology and judge his or her ability to independently take charge of project/system development. Our website Freeprojectz.com is to provide for students who are pursuing 'O' level projects. These projects are very useful for students as college projects submission.

Here students can download 'O' level projects free with source code and database. Many 'O' level projects are available with complete source code with fully executed and error free. Our website Freeprojectz.com is providing thousands of projects at free of cost for students. Students can download their projects based on their requirements.

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