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Introduction to Automobile Automation System Projects
Are you a computer science student looking for exciting projects? If yes, then you should consider working on an Automobile Automation System. This field is booming, and there are many opportunities to learn and grow. You can easily find Final Year Projects on Automobile Automation System that will help you understand the basics and advanced concepts. These projects are perfect for B.Tech students who want to make a mark in their academic career. You can even Download Computer Science Students Project on Automobile Automation System to get a head start.How to Develop an Automobile Automation System
Developing an Automobile Automation System can be a rewarding experience. If you are wondering How to develop Automobile Automation System, you can start by downloading source codes and project files. There are many resources available online where you can find Automobile Automation System Source Code Download options. These resources will provide you with the necessary tools and information to get started. You can also work on Live projects on Automobile Automation System to gain practical experience. These live projects will give you a real-world understanding of how these systems work.Project Downloads for Automobile Automation System
For students looking to work on mini or major projects, there are plenty of options available. You can easily find Mini project download on Automobile Automation System that are perfect for short-term projects. These mini projects are great for understanding the basic functionalities of an automobile automation system. On the other hand, if you are looking for something more comprehensive, you can opt for Major project download on Automobile Automation System. These major projects will give you a deeper understanding and are perfect for final year submissions. So, don't wait any longer. Start exploring and Download Computer Science Students Project on Automobile Automation System today to kickstart your journey in this exciting field.Visual Basic Project on Automobiles Automation System
Automobiles Automation System is a project developed using Visual Basic 6 and SQL Server 2000 Database. This project is ideal for final year students looking for Visual Basic SQL Server projects with source code. The primary goal of the Automobiles Automation System is to manage the records of the automobile industry online. Given the industry's size, accurate information and a fast system are crucial for managing all functionalities. Students can download these VB database projects for their final year academic submissions in BTech, MTech, BCA, and MCA. Screenshots and a demo of the project are attached below for further clarification.
Modules and Description of Automobile Automation System Project:
Vehicle Module:
This module provides all functionalities related to vehicles, tracking all vehicle information. It supports CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.
Features of Vehicle Module:
- Admin can add new vehicle records
- Admin can view the list of vehicle details
- Only admin can edit and update vehicle records
- Admin can delete vehicle records
- All vehicle forms are validated on the client side using JavaScript
Automobile Accessories Module:
This module manages automobile accessories data. Admins manage all accessories, while customers can view them. Admins can filter the list of accessories according to customer needs.
Features of Automobile Accessories Module:
- Admin can manage automobile accessories
- Admin can edit/delete automobile accessories
- Admin can view the list of all automobile accessories
- Customers can view automobile accessories
Sales Module:
This module manages customer sales records, with the admin overseeing all sales data.
Features of Sales Module:
- Admin can manage sales
- Admin can edit/delete sales
- Admin can view the list of all sales
- Customers can view their sales
Payment Module:
This module manages payment records, with the admin overseeing all payment data.
Features of Payment Module:
- Admin can manage payments
- Admin can edit/delete payments
- Admin can view the list of all payments
- Customers can view their payments
Functionality Performed by Admin:
- Admin Login
- Change Password for Admin
- Edit Profile for Admin
- Automobile Accessories Management
- Add New Accessories
- Edit Existing Accessories
- List All Accessories
- Vehicle Cash/Payment Management
- Add Payment
- List All Payments
- Edit Payments
- Manage Vehicles
- Add Vehicles
- Edit Vehicles
- List All Vehicles
- Manage Sales
- Add Sales
- List Sales
- View Sales Details
- Manage Users
- Add Users
- List Users
- View User Details
- Reports in the Project
- Report of All Vehicles
- Report of All Payments
- Report of All Sales
- Report of All Users
- Report of All Accessories
Technology Used in the Project (Automobiles Automation System)
We have developed this project using the following technologies:
- Visual Basic 6: The front end and business logic are written in VB6
- SQL Server 2000: Used for storing all data
- Operating System: This project runs on Windows OS
- Database Portability (MS Access): The project can also be set up with an MS Access Database